Tips for working from home.

by | Sep 29, 2021 | Useful Tips

Stress management Dubai

Depression treatment hong kong Singapore is back to working from home (WFH)  as the default for those who are able to do so, in order to reduce COVID transmission.

Many people struggle with WFH and can experience:

  • a sense of loneliness and disconnection
  • feeling flat
  • exhausted
  • unmotivated
  • struggling “to switch off”, to relax and to sleep
  • feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus

Here are some suggestions: 

  • Make sure you take regular breaks and structure your day so you have boundaries between work and rest/ home life.  For example, you might want to switch off your computer and stop checking emails early enough to give your mind time to relax before going to bed. When you are taking a break, do something mindfully – go for a walk or cook a meal instead of mindlessly scrolling social media sites.
  • Stay connected with your colleagues, do not just be task focused. Ask for support when needed, check on your colleagues, and remember to show appreciation for the efforts of your workmates.
  • Be patient with yourself and others. It might take longer to get the feedback you need, and it might take longer for you to finish tasks that ordinarily you can do quickly in the office. This is normal and everyone around you is in the same boat.